Which Wednesday do you love? The devilish Christina Ricci Who watches you with that look that reminds you a bit of the twins in The Shining? Or do you prefer Jenna Ortega, her Latin charm in black and white, her crazed cello? Who do you choose? Imagine choosing which of them you would go to dinner with? Surely it would not be a normal dinner? You would prefer Christina who might say something disarming, let you be swept away by her ruddy charm? Or would you want to look at Jenna Ortega's big eyes that never blink? If you think of a name. If you think of Wednesday's name? What is the face you see? What are the eyes you look at? Try to think of it now... Say that name under your breath... ...Wednesday... And tell me who are you seeing? Do you see Christina or do you see Jenna? Who is your Wednesday?


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